Bonnie Coad
I am a visual artist from Marlborough who specializes in Mixed media and Multimedia collage. I have been exhibiting my work for over 20 years and have a diploma with honors in Art and Creativity. I am applying to the Christchurch art show with two well developed series of work which I have been exhibiting and selling now for a number of years. Both feature collage materials taken from old sewing patterns.
My signature series which I am well know for is called *Pattern Pets, which are mixed media collage, created from the sewing pattern pieces. The Postal Collage Series, Social Distancing Pets grew out of my Pattern Pet Series. They are multimedia pieces created using the people cut from the sewing pattern envelopes and collaged into a mixed media scene where they are interreacting with their own *Pattern Pet* Between these two bodies of work I utilize all parts of the old sewing patterns which I use in my work.