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Christchurch Finalist


Congratulations to Canterbury artist Sam Young! The first ever Regional Finalist of the prestigious STUFF Art Aotearoa Gold Award for Art Excellence!

Sam is one of four finalists that are progressively selected and announced at each of our art shows throughout our art show exhibition year - with the ultimate WINNER being selected after the final 2024 Show in Queenstown.

Sam's award entry "Not Dead Yet", impressed the judges with the quality of his work and the way that Sam's themes of growth and renewal were essential to the composition.

Sam is a Mandeville based artist who paints primarily in enamel spray paints using a variety of techniques.
His love for nature and exploring the beautiful outdoors of New Zealand are the motivation and inspiration for his paintings.

Sam is often found gathering ideas for his artwork out in the wild and loves to translate those moments into something tangible.
He enjoys creating the entire process from scratch by making his own panels and framing his own work. He continues to strive and adapt to push himself in the hopes that each painting is better than the last.

Sam also thrives on the opportunity to write in the 3rd person.

"High on paint fumes and a warped sense of accomplishment, Sam emerges mysteriously from the shadows of his studio clutching something vaguely resembling art. His drive to create and capture the beautiful outdoors of New Zealand fuels this vicious cycle."

Christchurch Finalist
Christchurch Finalist
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