Jill Richards
I am a Nelson based artist belonging to the Collective Wall to Wall Art Gallery in Nelson city. I tutor classes in monoprinting using a gelplate and exploring background techniques such as rust dyeing, discharge and resist dyeing fabric and other mixed media techniques.
My selection presented here (my 3 faces of collage), showcases my love of collage and sewing (free motion stitching using a sewing maching). As a printmaker the prints I am not satisfied with as a whole piece I use to create landscapes, some textured, some not but all on a variety of papers including found papers. The caravan tryptich is a colourful and quirky use of my commercial fabric collection with the detail being brought out in the collage with machine stitching. NZ Snapshot2 is an example of monoprinted backgrounds on fabric, painted elements and machine stitching for detail. Finally, the vase sleeves (which proved very popular last year at the Christchurch Art Show) are another use of a variety of mixed media and fabric to create something unique and colourful. - an extension of the idea of collage and machine stitching in the detail.